History of eggplant
Eggplant, a year-old plant with strong, rough branches and shoots.
The plant has broad, stretched leaves, and the color is grainy, and the leaves sometimes have thorns.
The flower of the eggplant is like a potato flower, but larger and its purple color is pale.
Types of eggplants:
Some types of eggplants are cultivated for flowering, for example: white eggplant, red spherical eggplant, but includes 7 types for making food.
This plant, called fennel eggplant, is a one-year-old plant with a fairly thick and covered stem, with a stem height of up to 70 centimeters.
Its leaves are elliptical with a narrow tip and its flowers are violet. The fruits of this plant are long, narrow or round, violet, black, yellow and white.
The eggplant belongs to the family of potatoes from ancient times, cultivated in India, and from there to other parts of the world.
China began to plant it from the 9th century AH. English merchants made it in the 17th century from Guinea and in the United Kingdom, called the Guinea Cod.