The history of zucchini
Pumpkins are a one-year-old, creeping plant whose leaves are heart-shaped and widespread. The flowers are yellow and the flower of the male and female flowers on a base of pain. Its root is Bairk and Tall, slightly sweet and its boiled is Burning. The family members of this family have a long and flowing stem and include a squash and daisies. Summer varieties have soft skin with soft fruit, but winter types have tufted crusty fruit. The vegetables of this family contain alpha and beta carotene, which make it colorful. There are also vitamins C and E in them. Melanocarticle: There is a pigment called lycopene in this type of quad. The seeds are a source of iron, zinc and selenium that selenium is essential for male fertility.
This pumpkin was first planted in Mexico around 1400 BC and was considered one of the Jalali plants. Corn and beans were then planted by the peoples of Latin America and used as main food. With time and progress in agricultural science and using genetics, seeds of pumpkin were corrected. Then the modified seeds were used in mass production. Pumpkin is one of the main products that is considered to be the main source of food for raw food. Maya people used pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seeds to treat many diseases, especially in the preparation of various foods.
After several centuries, for the first time in 1492, Christopher Columbus in his travel report reported the planting of pumpkins in Jalisi. Then, 27 years later, Caspard Spinoza, in a travel report to Panama, reported pumpkin planting in that country, calling it the watermelon of these two, which was very tasty and used to treat many diseases.
Seed of pumpkin was brought to Europe and the planting of this plant was started in Europe for the first time. Seeds of pumpkin are harvested in early June and then picked up in August. The average weight of each pumpkin is 8 kg, on average, each pumpkin contains 200-150 grams of pumpkin seeds. Nutrient nutritional value of pumpkin squash is low in calories (20 calories per 100 grams) and is suitable for people who control their weight. It is also a rich source of potassium and is useful for people with high blood pressure, but is not suitable for people with renal impairment. The absorption of iron and magnesium is also good.